India's longest running sitcom serial, Taarak Mehta Ka Oolltah Chashmah is no longer an unfamiliar name for Indians. In this competitive and stressed out world, the show has been a solution for people to laugh and smile.
But in its journey of nine years, the show gathered many unanswered questions like although the society has more than 50 flats, the show always revolves around the lives of eight families and Daya ben in every show is seen talking to her mother on the phone, but they never revealed who is her mother...
With the funny nok-jhok between Jethalal and his father, arguments between Jetha, Iyer and secretary, Bhide. The secret behind Jethalal's feeling for Babita Ji, the show has maintained its place of been the best comedy series.
But apart from entertaining people on-screen, many memes regarding show went viral. So, let's see them and laugh a bit more.
When you realize that Jethalal is always in trouble...
With every new episode, Jethalal Champaklal Gada falls into a new pit of troubles.
Jethalal's wish finally got fulfilled!
Have you ever thought how Babita and Iyer got marrried?
Close enough?
Did you know that actor Anuj used to be a writer of the show, before playing the wildly popular character of Iyer? When Dilip Joshi saw Munmun Dutta and Anuj together on the sets, he suggested the two play a Bengali-Tamilian couple.
You must have these questions about the show...
Major situations that trouble the viewers...
But only a few people know that the eternal bachelor of the show, Popatlal (Shyam Pathak), who is always worried about his marriage, is happily married with three kids off-screen.
Did you know that Shailesh Lodha who plays the role of Taarak Mehta in the show has written four books in his real life?
The most obvious situation about the show is when...
One is smart, other is a teacher, while the third is Daya Ben.
How Tapu Sena end of becoming the only alternative against all the crimes, injustice done in our society? There's almost nothing that Tapu Sena can't do. From saving the society from local goons to solving the mystery of the ghost, there's nothing that they cannot do.
Who did this? LOL!
People keep on wondering about the purpose behind the heated chemistry between Jetha and Babita.
What are your thoughts about Pinku?
Every fan has the same question.
In between all the eight families, Pinku is just the part of the Tapu Sena and resides in A-Wing. There hasn't been any mention of his parents. Why?
The real Baagha is here...
If you're a true TMKOC fan, you must know that the very talented Bagha, who works in Jethalal's shop, has earlier appeared as a rickshaw and taxi driver on the show.
The next picture will make you go ROFL.
What is the scene between these two?
I am in love with this picture!
Because nothing can match Daya Ben's intellect.
Talking about Daya Ben, how is it possible for any person to do the garba 24/7?
This is what happens when anyone asks you about TMKOC...
It's been nine years and still counting...
I guess someone has the answer regarding Pinku's Dad...
Do you think Jethalal is Pinku's Dad?
The best definition of Pinku is mentioned in the next picture.
Are you Lord Pinku?
That's all, folks.
I hope the story made you laugh. If you also have some epic trolls for TMKOC, mention them in the comment section.
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