Wednesday, 1 November 2017

13 Unfortunate People Who Immediately Regretted Their Decision

13 Unfortunate People Who Immediately Regretted Their Decision
People get so excited sometimes that they end up hurting themselves. We all have experienced this embarrassment in our life and it keeps on repeating. No one can ever screw like the people we have just compiled.

The man who smooched a turtle.

The man who smooched a turtle.

This worker:

This worker:

I hope she will enjoy a new Coke later.

I hope she will enjoy a new Coke later.

This sensual dancer

This sensual dancer

This dumbness!

This dumbness!

This boy who forgot to put water in his noodles.

This boy who forgot to put water in his noodles.

This amazingly intelligent guy.

This amazingly intelligent guy.

This over confident skateboarder.

This over confident skateboarder.

She was pushed out later.

She was pushed out later.

Too much of over confidence.

Too much of over confidence.

Bang bang!

Bang bang!

Don't make fun of him, he is just too daring.

Don't make fun of him, he is just too daring.

This gymnast:

This gymnast:

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